Our Pastoral Care
At Lowther Hall we understand that a girl’s emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing are paramount to her overall development. To this end we have in place a pastoral care approach that ensures every girl is known and supported by a team of people.

As well as collecting data to determine the academic needs of students, we also conduct regular surveys of their emotional wellbeing and tailor both Year Level and Cross Age programs for the particular needs of each cohort.
In 2019, Lowther Hall was selected as a finalist in the Australian Education Awards for 'Best Student Wellbeing Program'. We are one of 10 schools selected from hundreds across Australia.
pastoral care staff
In addition to our specialist pastoral care team across campus, training for all staff at Lowther Hall occurs to ensure that adults within the organisation can be focussed on maintaining a positive culture for the girls. Read more...
cross age programs
Cross age programs provide valuable mentoring for younger girls and allow older girls in each part of the School to act as role models and develop their leadership skills. Read more...
Both within the classroom and beyond, girls at Lowther Hall are encouraged and supported – by staff and student leaders – to develop the 12 Qualities as they move through their education. Read more...
Leadership Development
There are numerous opportunities for students to take on leadership roles at Lowther Hall. Read more...
pastoral care routines
There are regular pastoral care routines and practices for students, designed to build emotional literacy/competence. Read more...
formally timetabled year level programs
Our Year Level Programs are adapted each year in response to the particular wellbeing needs of the cohort. Read more...
student voice
Student Voice plays a vital part in the wellbeing program at Lowther Hall as it is one of the main ways in which confidence and a sense of belonging are fostered. Read more...
The annual Year Level Camp is a cornerstone of the pastoral care program for the girls in each cohort from Prep to Year 12. Read more: Blinkbonnie House Camps, Raymond House Camps, Senior School Camps.
First Aid
The physical wellbeing of our students is critical to their ability to learn and thrive. Read more...
Child Safety
At Lowther Hall, we have policies and practices in place which support our commitment to child safety and also foster a culture which seeks to be proactive in creating a secure environment for the students. Read more...