Rituals are important for a variety of reasons: sometimes they help us to mark time, or indeed to create time, by signifying beginnings and endings. At Lowther Hall...

Rituals are important for a variety of reasons: sometimes they help us to mark time, or indeed to create time, by signifying beginnings and endings. At Lowther Hall...
I am an optimist and I am fortunate to come from a family of optimists. Such is my propensity to look on the bright side, in fact, that my friends tease me about my “Pollyanna” approach to some of the challenges we encounter. I must say that I am grateful for my disposition and for my prevailing belief that difficulties will pass, but I do have to say that the last twelve months has tested even me!
This term I have written and spoken many times about the joys of being back together physically after so many months of remote learning last year. I have focussed in particular on the activities and events that we have been able to enjoy together, the importance of re-establishing cross-age programs and the benefits of seeing parents and caregivers face to face once again.
We have been enjoying a re-engagement with singing across the School in recent weeks and as we were rehearsing various songs for Easter in Senior School assembly on Thursday, I was struck by the effect of the collective female voice. It is quite an experience to hear girls sing together – they can sound simultaneously powerful, angelic, inspiring and resolute.
Physical activity can play an important part in keeping us physically and mentally healthy and so it has been a blessing to be able to return to sport together in a face to face context this term.
Our girls are so fortunate to be part of a community in which they can build their confidence: being surrounded by adults who support and encourage them creates an environment in which they can take considered risks and speak out, preparing them to ultimately be women who can make positive contributions in the adult world.
I have so enjoyed my interactions with various parts of our school community this week. On Monday, it was all about the Year 7 girls, who were having a fabulous time getting to know each other better when I visited them during their Tangara Day at Williamstown.
What a week! Last Friday our entire school community made the mental and practical adjustments necessary to start this week in “remote mode” with only our Kindergarten girls and the children of essential workers on-site.
The Premier, Mr Daniel Andrews, announced today that Victoria will commence a Stage 4 lockdown tonight (Friday 12 February) for 5 days. Unfortunately, this means that our scheduled School Tours day will not be able to proceed tomorrow, Saturday 13 February. We will be back in touch with our community about alternative arrangements as soon as possible.
It has been wonderful to share special welcome events and commencement services across the School this week. On Tuesday I enjoyed joining the Year 6 leaders and Senior School Captains for a day of planning in their roles, on Thursday, a highlight was presenting new Blinkbonnie House students with their Lowther Hall Teddy Bears and today it was a privilege to participate in the Raymond House Commencement Service and Dedication of Year 6
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