This week was one of some significance in the history of Lowther Hall, with the installation of the Centenary Sculpture.

This week was one of some significance in the history of Lowther Hall, with the installation of the Centenary Sculpture.
I am sure that like me, many of you this week have followed the progress of the Religious Discrimination Bill as it has been debated in parliament.
Welcome to 2022! It is always delightful to see our girls return for a new school year but even more exciting this year after all the disruptions of the last two years.
VCE results from the Class of 2021 have ranked Lowther Hall 27th out of 500+ Victorian schools. We are the best performing school in Metropolitan Melbourne's North and West!
It has been a week full of joyous events at Lowther Hall as we come to the end of the 2021 school year. I was delighted to see record attendance and participation at the Senior School Swimming Sports on Monday as the girls relished the opportunity to be back in the pool.
This week I have been proud to see our Lowther Hall community re-engaging with the school motto, non nobis solum (not for ourselves alone).
In Blinkbonnie House Assembly this week, I presented the Prep girls with certificates celebrating their demonstration of the Quality “She is prepared to take a considered risk”. In keeping with this theme, Mrs Ashen read a picture story book to the girls called What do you do with a chance? which I will share with the Senior School community on Tuesday next week as they commence their two week orientation program in which they start their 2022 subjects.
It has been a week of endings and beginnings at Lowther Hall this week. Across the School, girls are completing final assessments and finishing up programs for the year as their teachers begin to prepare them for the next step in their journey.
It has been joyous to have all the girls back on site at Lowther Hall this week and to hear the laughter and energy that they bring to the space...
Today we celebrate World Teachers’ Day – a day which provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the individuals who work with the girls at Lowther Hall to help them learn and thrive.
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