From Osaka to Melbourne! Welcome to our wonderful Shin-Ai students, who have arrived for their two-week exchange with us and started the morning with a full school tour. During their stay, they are immersed in Australian culture, living with their host families, attending some classes and activities on site, as well as exploring Melbourne city and the surrounding areas.

Recently, we co-convened an International Coalition of Girls’ Schools symposium on educating girls at Melbourne Girls Grammar.

What better way to celebrate William Shakespeare’s birthday than to secure your tickets to our Senior School Production of ‘Shakespeare in Love’? Some of our students took time out of their rehearsal to show off their incredible costumes and give you a taste of what you can expect from our upcoming romantic comedy! Book your tickets at

It was a wonderful day at our International Women’s Day Lunch at the Park Hyatt! Thank you to our incredible speakers: award winning radio and television journalist, reporter for Channel 9 News, 3AW radio host, Vice President of the Melbourne Press Club and current parent Heidi Murphy as well as Old Grammarian (Class of 1996) Matti Clements, Director of the Australian Institute of Sport (first woman to hold this role) and Psychologist. To our past and present parents, students, staff and friends of the School who attended: thank you for your support of this event!

​The newest members of Blinkbonnie House were delighted to receive their Lowther Bears from our Principal at their recent Welcome Assembly, symbolising the start of their journey at the school.

We held our Senior School Commencement Service and Dedication of Year 12 on Friday. The symbolic encirclement of our School community with light by the Year 12 cohort marked a beautiful pledge to lead us through the coming year, and as a community we promised to support them in their important work.

Join with us to celebrate, support and advocate for women at our lunch event in honour of International Women’s Day, to be held Monday 4 March at the Park Hyatt in Parliament Place. All in our community are warmly invited including past and present parents, Old Grammarians and friends of the School. Please secure your tickets at:

The Years 5 and 6 ‘Imagine if…’ showcase was a hit! The audience were treated to a scene from Annie the musical, songs from The Greatest Showman and listened to classics like ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and ‘Singing in the Rain’, just to name a few. A big congratulations to everyone involved!

The legacy continues as members of our Prefect Body for 2024 were officially inducted and presented with their badges recently, having pledged their commitment to the School as leaders for the year ahead. Each year level brings their own special magic, and we're thrilled to celebrate another chapter of leadership at Lowther.

​Today, we began the process of farewelling our wonderful Year 12 cohort with our annual Rose Ceremony. This cherished tradition involves a symbolic exchange of gifts between our Year 12 students and our Preps. Our Preps present each of our Year 12s with a vibrant yellow rose...