What a joy! We were thrilled to hand to our lucky family the keys to their first prize win in our Twilight Festival Major Raffle! Thanks also to our Parents and Friends' Association for their assistance with putting together the raffle. We very much look forward to the return of our Twilight Festival in 2023.

Last week we unveiled our Centenary Sculpture to our students and school community! The sculpture was commissioned to celebrate the first 100 years of Lowther Hall...

It was our Year 6 girls' turn on Friday for their Assembly of Dedication! During the ceremony they made a pledge of dedication and service to the School as leaders in their final year as Raymond House girls.

Be guided by students at our School Tours Day on Saturday 12 February! Kinder to Year 12 tours begin at 9.30am, with Years 7 to 12 tours at 11am. Bookings are essential: www.trybooking.com/803260

Welcome to Term 1! Girls were greeted by big cheers from our Prefects at the gate this morning to begin a bright and happy 2022. New students and staff received their Lowther bears, and friends reunited once more! We look forward to an excellent term ahead.

We are delighted to share with our community another year of outstanding VCE results with 2021 continuing an upward trend in tertiary entrance ranking (ATAR) scores at Lowther Hall:

We launched of our virtual Art and Design Exhibition last week! Lowther families are able visit our specially constructed website, to view the artwork of students from Kinder to Year 12.

​Spot the difference! Today we held our 2022 Prefects’ Commissioning Service with a virtual twist: the 2021 Prefect Body whilst not physically present, “appeared” (right) on stage via the wonders of technology to “present” badges and induct the 2022 Prefects (left) who were on-site! Bishop Philip Huggins also appeared via video link to commission the girls. Congratulations, all!