The girls in Years 2 to 6 are “kicking goals” this week as their new soccer goals for the grassed area have arrived. Being physically active not only has numerous health benefits but also leads to better academic outcomes. We love to see the girls running around at their breaks, whether they are engaged in free play or an organised game. In Blinkbonie House the girls are continuing to develop their upper body strength in the purpose designed play equipment and in Senior School the front grass and Mansion driveways are regularly occupied with girls speeding past!

I was delighted that our parent body got in on the act this week too – with the inaugural PFA Tennis Open on Monday hailed as a great success. The more that we can model keeping active to our girls, the better, and I know that many staff, students and families will have it on their long term radar to sign up for “active April” when it comes around this year! Sporting competition is well underway in Senior School, with Tennis, Indoor Cricket and Softball in full swing across Years 7 to 12. Additionally, both Senior and Junior School girls have been participating in various swimming carnivals over recent weeks. Of course, many of our students also stay active by participating in dance classes or martial arts training and today at the House Performing Arts dress-rehearsal in Senior School I was delighted to see all students enthusiastically engaged in their whole House dances, with many students also participating in additional dance numbers as well.