At Lowther Hall we value respectful relationships which give rise to everyone having a voice. I spoke to the Senior School girls about this aspect of the School’s Values Statement in assembly recently and reminded them of the ways in which we try to foster the development of student voice through committees, voting processes and cross age programs. Our annual satisfaction surveys, facilitated through Independent Schools Victoria are one of the key ways in which we ensure that we hear the voices of our staff, students and parents. I hope that you received the email that I sent our earlier in the week with a link to our parent survey. I encourage you to complete your survey if you have not already done so, so that your voice is captured in our feedback. It is important that we hear from as many parents as possible so that we have an accurate picture of how we are doing. Please be aware that we will not see the feedback from the ISV surveys until the end of the year, so it is important that you raise anything urgent with us via the usual school communication channels. 

I am sure we are all a little disappointed to be back in a lockdown and remote learning once again, and I would like to thank everyone for their support as we assist the girls to keep learning and stay positive at this time. I understand that it is a very challenging situation for families and encourage you to reach out to your relevant Head of School if there is anything that is not working for you in the next week or so. 

Ms Elisabeth Rhodes