At Lowther Hall we see our job as being to educate young women so that the world might be a better place because they are in it. And I am confident that each of our graduating students is ready to fulfil that mission – to shine a light into the world.

And I think in part, that light shines because they have come to be girls who are clear about their values: values that they have encountered here at our Anglican School, values which they have found in family life and which they have honed through their friendships.  

I have reflected this week on the many ways in which girls are assisted to develop a clear set of values at School – by support to resolve friendship difficulties through respectful, restorative conversations; by an insistence by every teacher on an orderly classroom environment in which each girl can learn; by the recognition of effort and by the living out of our School motto. 

Our world needs thoughtful people. It needs curious people. It needs confident people. But more than anything, our world needs people of integrity, with values that shine light into dark places. I am encouraged each week as I see our girls equipping themselves with the values that will assist them to shine their light into the world when they finish their school journey, that even the darkest corners will be brighter because our girls are there.