Be guided by students at our School Tours Day on Saturday 12 February! Kinder to Year 12 tours begin at 9.30am, with Years 7 to 12 tours at 11am. Bookings are essential:

Welcome to Term 1! Girls were greeted by big cheers from our Prefects at the gate this morning to begin a bright and happy 2022. New students and staff received their Lowther bears, and friends reunited once more! We look forward to an excellent term ahead.

We are delighted to share with our community another year of outstanding VCE results with 2021 continuing an upward trend in tertiary entrance ranking (ATAR) scores at Lowther Hall:

It has been a week full of joyous events at Lowther Hall as we come to the end of the 2021 school year. I was delighted to see record attendance and participation at the Senior School Swimming Sports on Monday as the girls relished the opportunity to be back in the pool.