In Blinkbonnie House Assembly this week, I presented the Prep girls with certificates celebrating their demonstration of the Quality “She is prepared to take a considered risk”. In keeping with this theme, Mrs Ashen read a picture story book to the girls called What do you do with a chance? which I will share with the Senior School community on Tuesday next week as they commence their two week orientation program in which they start their 2022 subjects.

It has been a week of endings and beginnings at Lowther Hall this week. Across the School, girls are completing final assessments and finishing up programs for the year as their teachers begin to prepare them for the next step in their journey.

We launched of our virtual Art and Design Exhibition last week! Lowther families are able visit our specially constructed website, to view the artwork of students from Kinder to Year 12.

​Spot the difference! Today we held our 2022 Prefects’ Commissioning Service with a virtual twist: the 2021 Prefect Body whilst not physically present, “appeared” (right) on stage via the wonders of technology to “present” badges and induct the 2022 Prefects (left) who were on-site! Bishop Philip Huggins also appeared via video link to commission the girls. Congratulations, all!

This week has been a very positive time as we have welcomed various cohorts of students back onsite at Leslie Road. In preparing for their return, we have been thinking particularly about how we can keep the girls safe, and I have been impressed with the ways in which all students have embraced the various safety measures in place to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.

​Today, our Year 12 students completed their final day at Lowther Hall. It has been a privilege to share your journey through school and we thank you for being inspiring leaders and role models to every Lowther girl. Congratulations!

11 October was the International Day of the Girl, a date that we certainly are excited to recognise at Lowther Hall. Of course, being a girls’ school, every day at Lowther Hall is the day of the girl, but the date provides an opportunity to reflect on some of the benefits of being part of a girls’ school community.